tirsdag den 7. januar 2014

Sony Announces Playstation Now

Sony just announced the Playstation Now, enabling streaming of PSOne, PS2, PS3, and PS4 games to your PS3, PS4, Vita, mobile phone or tablet -whether if you have a Playstation or not - so expect a monthly fee for this service.

A closed beta will start in the end of January, and they believe that it will become available for masses (In the USA only in the start?) In summer 2014, according to Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment.


Playstation have wrote more details on their blog, read it here http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/01/07/playstation-now-streaming-game-service-coming-this-summer/

The most interesting thing is, that this feature is on the PS3 and Vita as well, meaning that you probably can end up playing Killzone Shadow Fall on your PS3 and The Last of US on the PS4.

søndag den 22. september 2013

Alien Spaceship in GTA 5

I was collecting some nuclear stuff via the submarine when i noticed a crashed spaceship. You can see it here. At first i thought it was some sort of bell, but nope, it didnt look like that when I got closer. It was an alien spaceship!

The exact location can be found right here:

onsdag den 26. juni 2013

How to earn money on Youtube

You may already know some few people on Youtube, who always have their videos watched by millions. It could be Youtubechannels like PewDiePie, Ray William Johnson, and channels like that. They live off their videos on Youtube, earning a lot more than the average person does doing a "normal" job.

So you are probably thinking, what about you will give it a try yourself?

I have this video you can watch, where i will guide you through it with a video. Below this, I am just describing it in words. Following both guides will help you the most. But the video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWBu_9X-5Wg

Step 1: Well, first of all, you need to have a Youtube-account. That only demands a normal Google-account, which is free to make, and can be done here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2FManageAccount%3Fhl%3Dda&hl=en .

Step 2: In order to make money, you will need to have a Google Adsense account. Its also free, and all you have to do, is tell Google where you live, just so they can verify you are a real person and know who to send the money to. You can send in the Adsense-request here https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2FManageAccount%3Fhl%3Dda&hl=en . You just use the Google Account you just created.
It will take a few days for Google to accept you, but that doesnt matter, you can still move on, and just link your Youtube-account with your Adsense-account later. Your Youtube-account can create money without any Google Adsense account linked to it, but you need your Google Adsense account to send the money from Youtube to your wallet.

Step 3: Go to your Youtube-account, and go to the "Video Manager", and after that, go to "Channel Settings" (https://www.youtube.com/account_features) Here you go to Monetisation, and enable it. Its also here you can add your Google Adsense-account as the account to use, later on when your Adsense-account is ready.

Step 4: Now you can start to post your video's on your Youtubechannel. Just push the "Upload"-button next to the searchfield, and choose the video(s) to upload. Remember to hit the "Monetisation" and enable it. Then you go to your Video Manager, you can see all of your videos uploaded, and see how many has viewed them. Also, the green square at each video, is the monetisation-icon. If its $-sign isnt bright white, it doesnt show commercials yet. It's due to Youtube has to watch your video through, in order to secure, that the video doesnt have any copyrighted fragments in it. It can take everything from a few minutes to hours before it will be accepted, depending on the length of the video, and how busy Youtube are.

Step 5: Wait.

It's always good to be ready to post video's of something that just happened. It could be a disaster, some funny stuff that happened or other things, that have great newsvalue atm, because it can really make a lot income.

BUT what will you earn? Well, it depends on the commercial being done. But i am experiencing about 1 dollar per 1000 views. So 1 million views, is 1000 dollars, which is a lot. And some new viral video's can get that in a few days, even hours if you are EXREMELY lucky.

But as said before, I have a video that will help you understand a bit more, of how to do this, right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWBu_9X-5Wg

Remember to subscribe to Gamer Technic Tips and my Youtube-channel Inzectify

torsdag den 23. maj 2013

Playstation 4 vs Xbox One

So finally both the Sony's Playstation 4 and Microsofts Xbox One has been announced, and after only a few days, it's clear, that they arent aiming for the same audience. It's also very clear, that there's already becoming one favourited console, amongst the usual core gamers, and for the total family experience.